Sunday, April 10, 2016

A gift from Severine

This past Thursday I received a gift. My friend Severine made me a meal of tartiflette. It is a local dish here in this region of France. Severine sent me photos to show how it is made.
The main ingredients are potatoes, onion, cream, bacon and cheese. Not ordinary cheese, but local cheese! It is called Reblochon de Savioe made from cow's milk here in the Savoy region of France. First the potatoes, onions and bacon are cooked in a skillet.
The mixture is put in a casserole dish and the cheese & cream is added. See the cheese on top!
Then it is slow baked.  Oh my, the finished product is delicious. I have decided I love tartiflette. Thank you Severine!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh what a nice post !
    we have a strange slogan that you can see on a lot of cars. It is a red and white stickers and you can read : "In Tartiflette we trust" ;)
    More than a religion this famous meal...
    It was a pleasure to cooked it for you.
